
How To Re-qualify EA Rank Every Month

Greetings to you all!As we get towards the end of the month,I would like to center our team's tutorials this week on Collecting Versapoints(VP) to re-qualify your EA/TL status.This information is vital to help you succeed in SFI so please take your time and read. 
 EA rank : minimum 1500 VP required
First, if you're a new SFI Affiliate, you will need to go through doing the actions step in the To-Do List as part of your training which is the Basic no.1 here:

For each action step you completed, SFI award free VP(VersaPoints) which is called Action VP, to accumulate and achieve EA1 rank. EA1 means achieve the rank of Executive Affiliate in your first month or for the first time in SFI. Minimum 1500 VP is required to achieve EA rank. It’s completely free and easily achieve EA1 for the first month just by completing your training actions step in the To-Do List and earn free action VP. 

Just to recap, there are just 3 keys to success in SFI. One is to become an Executive Affiliate (EA) every month. The second is to recruit people, third, show your recruits how to become an EA and recruit other people. 
Why is it so important for you to become an Executive Affiliate (EA)?
1- Refer to Benefit Chart -

2- Refer to Compensation Plan -

Now, to re-qualify yourself as an EA rank(achieve EA2) each month… you need to earn and accumulate minimum 1500 VP by end of the month.  NOTE:  EA2  -  2 means an Executive Affiliate who has maintained the EA rank for two or more months.

IMPORTANT:If a monthly budget of $29.95 is possible, setting up a Standing Order(SO) is highly recommended. The most popular SO item  is IAHBE(International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs) that comes with 1500 VP and will re-qualify you automatically as an EA rank every month. 
Use this link to set it up:

You can also go for TCredits:

For those of you who have tight budget…   learn how you can re-qualify and achieve your EA rank each month with minimum money spend on TripleClicks products.

Below, I have listed what you can do consistently on a DAILY basis and with minimum spend of just 66 cents per day(based on 30 days a month) you can maintain your EA rank each month to receive all the associated benefits of an EA and build your SFI business to maximized your earnings on all the 6 different SFI income streams. Review complete details of SFI compensation income plan.

What you can do to earn the minimum required 1500 VP and maintain your EA rank each month if you have tight budget:


Login to your SFI  Homepage CONSISTENTLY everyday.

--Click on the *To Do List* tab. Scroll down and click on *For checking out the latest items at TripleClicks*   = earn 2 VP 

Then scroll down and click on the button *1 VersaPoints(VP) Awarded Today* at the bottom of the page  = earn 1 VP

--Click on all the 8 red tabs, view the information and at the bottom of the page click on *1 VersaPoints(VP) Awarded Today*  button  = earn 8 VP. 

--Click on *Win It* tab to submit your entry into the Daily Grand Drawing. There are chances to win VP if your id is drawn. 

From the above DAILY actions you will earn 11 VP everyday.  Total 330 VP for the whole month(based on 30 days a month).

** All the information on the above pages are important, so be certain to check out the information on each and every page!


--Click on  *Scoreboard* .…you will see all your scores here. Then next to the *points you’ve earned to date*, click on detailed accounting. And you will see your VersaPoints ledger and all the list of actions.

--Scroll down to *For sending group support messages via the PSA Mailer, CSA Mailer, or Genealogy Group Mailer*.  Send a support message(helpful hints/tips) to your downlines using any of the SFI mailers   = earn 30 VP

--Click on *For reviewing your TConnect page*   = earn 5 VP 

--Click on *Stream post* and post some encouraging/motivating/positive helpful tips/congratulatory message 3 times per week   = earn 3 VP (1 post get 1 VP).

From the above, you will earn 38 VP per week.  Total 152 VP each month.


--Submit your *SFI and sponsor ratings* form   – earn 10 VP 

So, now you have earned 492 VP for the month and every month for doing all the above actions step. You now need to earn the lack of 1008 VP. Check through the rest of your To-Do List actions and see if there are other onetime actions step that you have miss out… those that can be done.

Now, without any other VP from To-Do List actions, you will be able to make-up the final lack of 1008 VP with a purchase of 10 single TCredits for $19.90 (1 single TCredit for $1.99). One single TCredit will earn 102 VP. Total earned 1020 VP.Login with your SFI affiliate id and password at:    …click on TCredits on the top right hand corner next to your name and click on -One single TCredit for $1.99- to purchase.

NOTE:TCredits are the TC store's "currency," you can use your TCredits to:
* List your unwanted items for sale and convert them into cash (just one TCredit per listing).
* Bid on Pricebenders Auctions to win great products at 90% or more off their normal price. 
 Redeem for any of over 60,000 products at TripleClicks. 

So, with action VP of 330, 152, 10 and purchase VP of 1020…  you will be able to achieve EA rank every month with a total of 1512 VP. 

For PAYMENT OPTION at TripleClicks , refer to:

Hope the above is helpful in one way or another for those of you with tight budget but are very serious and committed about building your SFI business. 

Reach me via my primary email address at if you have any question or need extra support.

Wish you success. Aim High! Dream Big!

Francis Oppong,
SFI,Platinum Team Leader

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