
Working hard? or making money?

I often wonder why the great majority of people earn very little o money or don't earn at all. Isn't it something against our nature? I mean; everybody would like to live a wonderful life, do what they feel like doing without constrictions. But without money this is obviously impossible. So why the majority of people live a situation they don't like?

Especially nowadays, with all the huge opportunities waiting for us out there, it is unbelievable that the whole world is just focused on the global "crisis" and resigned to it, rather than be really focused on tangible and practical solutions which could really help the average man in their everyday life, starting yesterday. 

So my conclusion is that generally speaking, people are unable to make big money, just because they're slave of their own destructive beliefs.

In fact, probably the 90% and more of the population think that:

- to earn money they need to work (very) hard
- "easy money" don't exist
- to earn money they have to work 8 hours/day, 40 hours/week
- financial security can be achieved only working as an employee
- money are limited, only a few ones can be rich.
There are of course other reasons too, but these above in my opinion are the main beliefs which have blocked millions of people from getting out of that situation of poverty or simple frustration, they've been obliged to live with so far. And they will keep living with it for their whole life as they're still not able "to see" anyone of those immense opportunity that new technologies (..which now are not even so new anymore...; ) made available worldwide to every single person.

But I think all of them have one solution: change themselves, inverting completely their bad beliefs and start acting accordingly.

As always happened in human history, on one hand there are people who are active, optimists, curious and open to innovation, which consequently give their contribution to the world's evolution. This is the kind of people who are naturally enabled to take full advantage, since the beginning, of this changing world.

These are normally that kind of people to whom we look with admiration (or envy) thinking they're "luckier" thank us. And this is true; THEY ARE luckier than us!

But just because their way of being naturally attracts luck.

On the other hand there are the "skeptical". People who automatically tend to think that whatever is new and different from what they consider "true", cannot work (or 'it's a scam"). So, they remain anchored to their obsolete mental schemes. The same ones which led them to live the unsatisfactory situation they're currently experiencing.

It is quite clear to me that whoever desires to live a really fulfilling and prosperous life, totally different from what they are living now, is in badly NEED to completely change their destructive beliefs. At least those five ones listed above, replacing them with the following ones and start to act accordingly:

- working "hard" leads only to earning little or no money at all and doesn't allow me to enjoy life;
- the new technologies changed the world and made available to everybody, included me, an endless number of opportunities to make money easily;
- enjoying life is mandatory. But working 40 hours per week for 40 years for getting starvation wages, makes it impossible to me. Rather, I can work 4 hours per week and make 100 times more money.
- the only security that wage labour can bring to the great majority of people is that with it only, it's impossible to live the life I dream. Hundreds of millions of unsatisfied and precarious employees worldwide are the incontrovertible and most obvious evidence of it. In order to live a fulfilling and prosperous life, I need to own the control of my work activity, decide how much money I want to make, have all the free-time I need, to enjoy the money I keep earning;
- there are limitless riches available out there for each one of us. I just need to find and follow the right path until I'll gain access to them.
Does anybody disagree with these 5 points? Of course not. You would be crazy to disagree with them and prefer the 5 previous one! 

I think that if these ones are the 5 points that each one of us would like to see as real, there are no reasons for which we can't make them real in our existence. It would be against our nature.

So, as per the point 5 above, we just have to start walking through "the right path".
I think that the right path we can decide to follow, to gain access to those "limitless riches available out there", is already available and quite well explained in the SFI 3-step plan Video.(

That's why I strongly invite everybody to watch the SFI 3-step plan Video( even thousands of times if needed. Keep watching it at least until you're perfectly sure that what explained there is nothing more than a very easy way that everybody can follow, to bring to their own lives, that kind of Freedom (Money + Free Time) we all need, in order to live the life we are dreaming about and that we have the sacrosanct right to live.

Remember: YOU are the only one responsible for your success. It's exclusively up to you to decide to get it or not.

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