
The Best Ways To Earn VersaPoints

 Here are some ways to get the versa point. And please do your sponsor ratings.

 01. - Every day you can earn 11 VP for a total of 330 VP in a 30 day month just by viewing your todo list:
 Click on "the latest items at tripleclicks" link under your "to-do list" tab to receive 2 VP each day.
 All of the above actions total 11 easy VP that you can get each day meaning you get 330 VP if you do this each day in a 30 day month. 
 02. - Get 35 VP each week for a total of 140 VP a month for clicking on "your tconnect page under your "to-do list" tab once a week to earn 5 VP.
 Go to "Hot Spots" on your SFI homepage and then go to "genealogy". Click on "Send an E-Mail/TeamMail to this group" to send a weekly message to your downline and get 30 VP each week. I use this opportunity to share helpful tips and hints.
 03. - Once a month click on "submit sponsor rating" under under your "to-do list" tab to receive 10 VP each month.
 So far, ALL of the above actions give you 480 easy VP. To become an EA you need 1050 more VP.
 If you have not seen the "launchpad" lessons yet, you can get 15 VP for every single lesson.
 If you did your 11 VP on the day before day you can qualify for day's DAILY GRAND just click on the blue button. You can win 10 CREDITS, 10 CSA, a prestige domain or 50 MRP.
 04. - Another way to get VP is to use any FREE TCREDITS and/or MRP you have to purchase digital downloads at TripleClicks BEFORE THE 15TH OF EACH MONTH. NOTE: When you use TCREDITS or MRP to purchase items you don't earn VP BUT you get to do reviews on the items 15 days later if it's a digital download. You get 25 VP for each review. Or if you use MRP to purchase TCREDITS, you will get VP too. For example: you buy 1 TCREDIT for 120 MRP and you'll get 102 VP. If you stay above green line, you'll get 200VP and some MRP too.

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